The Reading Room

Read All About It: The Bull Terrier

Book: McGuffin & Co

Author: R H Oppenheimer

Subject: History


Progress of the breed over a period of roughly 30 years. Much of the book is autobiographical.

Book: After Bar Sinister

Author: R H Oppenheimer

Subject: History


At its simplist, a book about a dog with a fault. Perhaps the most valuable parts of the whole book are the chapters on correct thinking regarding superficial faults and their significance.

Book: From James To Jim

Author: W.E. Mackay-Smith

Subject: History of Bull Terriers from 1969 - 1978


An invaluable record for anyone who is truly interested in the history & progress of the breed.

Book: The New Complete Bull Terrier

Author: Ernest Eberhard

Subject: History and General Information


Discusses the basic principles of breeding as discovered through scientific experiments and also presents the experiences of the breeders who had continuously shown their ability to breed the top dogs.

Book: Full Circle - A History of the Colored Bull Terrier

Author: David O. Harris

Subject: History


This book chronicles the birth, ebb and flow of the development of the Colored Bull Terrier.

Book: The New Bull Terrier

Author: Compiled by John H. Remer, Jr.

Subject: History and General Information


A useful and informative compendium of ideas which will benefit the novice & expert alike.

Book: Letters From Raymond

Author: W.E. Mackay-Smith

Subject: A Mentorship in Bull Terriers 1969 - 1984


Correspondence between Raymond Oppenheimer & the author, during which time she was tutored in the arts of breeding, showing, judging, and changing the methods of incentivizing the breeding of better dogs.

Book: Made In Birmingham

Author: David Harris

Subject: History


A personal perspective. An endeavor to weave together the many threads that comprise the rich tapestry that is the Bull Terrier; the ebb & flow of the breed’s fortunes over the past 150 years; and how the breed has changed.

Book: Bull Terriers Today

Author: David Harris

Subject: History and General Information


A highly comprehensive book of the breed, tracing the history from its origins to its present status as a much-loved companion dog & impressive show dog. The Breed Standard is analyzed in detail.

Book: Your Bull Terrier

Author: Marilyn Drewes

Subject: History and General Information


A comprehensive work on the Bull Terrier. Topics covered are Temperament, Conformation, Puppies, Grooming, Health, History, Competition, Obedience, Breeding, Genetics, Bull Terriers in various areas, & much more.

Book: Bull Terriers In Action

Author: Alice van Kempen

Subject: Bull Terrier Photography


This book is a collection of truly exquisite photography. Alice van Kempen captures the magic and essence of the Bull Terrier character that sets them apart.  

Book: FURBEX A dog's life of urban exploration

Author: Alice van Kempen & Claire

Subject: Bull Terrier Photography


Urbex (Urban Exploring) is the exploration of abandoned places. Furbex photography is an ideal combination of Alice's, & Claire's, interests: photography, travelling, working with animals, nature, history, geography & playing detective.

Book: Where Fanciers Gather

Author: Compiled & Organized by Claudia Sharp & David C. Merriam

Subject: Bull Terrier History


1926 - 1944  Volume 1 of a three volume set. Bull Terrier columns from the American Kennel Club Gazette.

Book: Where Fanciers Gather

Author: Compiled & Organized by Claudia Sharp & David C. Merriam

Subject: Bull Terrier History


1945 - 1970  Volume 2 of a three volume set. Bull Terrier columns from th American Kennel Club Gazette.

Book: Where Fanciers Gather

Author: Compiled & Organized by Claudia Sharp & David C. Merriam

Subject: Bull Terrier History


1971 - 2010  Volume 3 of a three volume set. Bull Terrier columns from the American Kennel Club Gazette.

Book: All About the Bull Terrier

Author: Tom Horner

Subject: History and General Information


Tom Horner, breeder of the Tartary Bull Terriers, gives a full & detailed discussion of "the nuts & bolts" of owning, understanding, breeding, showing & judging Bull Terriers.

Book: All About the Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier

Author: Marilyn Drewes

Subject: History and General Information


This book covers the breed from "nose to tail" & from origin to the breed's future. Written with warmth & humor, Drewes provides a complete intro to BTs & what they are like to live with.

Book: Bull Terriers (A Vintage Dog Books Bred Classic - Bull Terrier)

Author: Major Count V.C. Hollender

Subject: History and General Information


This book contains 21 articles by an assortment of well-known contributors: Oppenheimer, Montgomery,Drummond-Dick, Weatherall, Adlam, Horner and others. It is a useful & fascinating read for any enthusiast or historian of the breed.

Book: Bull Terriers in Nederland

Author: Alice van Kempen

Subject: Bull Terrier Photography, History and General Information


A unique Dutch manual about the Bull Terrier in the Netherlands. Stunning photos. Subjects such as development of the BT, history of the breed in the Netherlands, color inheritance, character & movement and a photographed breed standard.


Author: Kevin Kane

Subject: The Origin and Development of The Bull Terrier


The origin of the Bull Terrier is important to us, for, how can we see where we are going if we do not know where we are coming from? Kevin Kane


Author: Kevin Kane

Subject: The obscure life of James Hinks and his strain of Bull Terriers.


It is true to say that the early history of the Hinks Bull Terrier has been inaccurately recorded in the past. Kevin Kane

Book: The Coloured and Colour Breeding

Author: T W Hogarth

Subject: Bull Terrier History


Originally published in 1932. Entirely devoted to coloured BTs. Listed pedigrees go back to foundation bitches of practically every important family. Pedigrees and detailed results of matings. Colour inheritance in BTs.

Book: A Bull-Terrier Notebook

Author: Thomas W. Hogarth

Subject: Bull Terrier History


Originally published in 1936. Origins & history of the White, Coloured & the Black BT. Records of some 250 pedigrees & matings & litter details. This book will appeal to breeders, lovers of the breed, & geneticists alike.

Book: Fill My Eye – The Bull Terrier

Author: Frank Dyson

Subject: Conformation and Colour inheritance  (96 pages.)


Information on the Breed is arranged, organised and written in a down to earth manner, more fully explained, with new material, including colour and colour inheritance, with images to illustrate points in the narrative.

Book: The Definitive Bull Terrier (and making the Miniature Bull Terrier)

Author: Frank Dyson

Subject: Early history of the breed to 1900. (136 pages.)


Early history is plagued by unanswered questions, dead ends, fables disguised as fact. The author digs deep into archive sources to unearth historic nuggets, providing breed enthusiasts with verifiable answers to questions for the very first time.