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Effective Ear Taping Techniques for Bull Terrier Puppies: Step-by-Step Guide

Ear Taping – Step By Step!




Alcohol and cotton balls, Paper pattern of the inside of each ear, 2" Hypafix Tape (This is a tape that can be used on the skin and breathes a bit), Moleskin (This is felt on one side and sticky on the other) 6 Q Tips, 1 roll of Flexible Clear tape, 1 roll of Durable Cloth tape.



Clean inside of the ear flap (Not ear canal & don't let alcohol drip down ear canal) with alcohol dampened cotton balls. The object is to remove any dirt or oils that will keep the Hypafix tape from sticking to the inside of the ear.


Cut patterns from paper of the left inside ear and the right inside ear. If it extends too far into the inner ear, cut some off the bottom. You don't need to support anything except the ear flap.


Cut 2 pieces of Hypafix tape and 2 pieces of Moleskin (Pictured in the photo for Step 3) from your patterns.


Cut the 3 Q Tips for each ear brace. Peel the back off of the moleskin and form the Q Tips in the shape of a tepee on the sticky side of the moleskin.


Place the Hypafix layer on top of the Q Tip side of the moleskin.


On the Hypafix side of the brace fold up the tear off backing just a bit and place a strip of Flexible Clear tape along the edge and fold to other side.


Remove the tear off backing from the Hypafix and fit the brace into the ear.


Gently fold the two sides of the ear inward together so as to form a sort of cone. Using the Flexible Clear tape, wrap the ear snugly, but NOT TIGHTLY from the bottom to almost the tip, leaving an opening at the bottom and at the top for air circulation. Repeat on the other ear, even if it is standing.

Take a piece of Durable Cloth tape and wrap around one ear, across the top of the head, encircle the other ear, then back again to the starting point. This forms a bridge between the ears to hold them in the proper position. With short lengths of tape, wrap around the bridge between the two ears to keep it from coming undone.


Take one more short length and wrap the center of the bridge tightly. This keeps the bridge from rubbing on the top of the dog's head.


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