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Alice van Kempen from the Netherlands Flag

Having an exciting destination is like setting a needle in your compass. From then on, the compass knows only one point - its ideal. And it will faithfully guide you there through the darkest nights and fiercest storms. This quote by Daniel Boone is to me the perfect description of the Bull Terrier Compass.

K.Q Allen from the USA Flag

What a totally awesome website!! Certainly one that I would recommend for ANYONE with an interest in Bull Terriers!! To the novice owner there’s a wealth of information to help them..... WHAT a great overall insight into the breed! To the seasoned breeder......... once you get into all that comprehensive pedigree stuff........... it just explodes!! VERY easy to use........ it self populates and serves as a phenomenal historical resource. ........... AND, the fact that it is international and can be used in almost any language makes it truly a worldwide resource for anyone in the breed. Truly a humongous but forward thinking endeavor to have so much information available to soooo many people. I think I’ll go there again now and poke around some more!! ?

Di Cross from Australia Flag

I must commend The Bull Terrier Compass Team on the foresight on thinking of the Bull Terrier Community worldwide. Putting together the information provided has been a massive undertaking and appreciated by many. This go to place for all things Bull Terrier is a testament to their love and dedication to the breed.

Michael Fletcher Flag

This is Immense. First, to you all behind Bull Terrier Compass. Thank you. It’s the biggest event in Bull Terriers since………….. the start of the breed. Your hard work and planning is much appreciated.

Simon Parsons Flag

“As a pedigree enthusiast I’m impressed with the development of the database. In time it will surely become a truly international resource covering the breed worldwide.”

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