Welcome to the BT Compass! - by Amy Jaspers

I was just 21 and living in a studio apartment in Boston when I brought home my first Bull Terrier. It was a fun but intense learning experience which sparked a 34-year long love for the breed. Back then there was no internet or Facebook and most of the breeders around me were not welcoming. I quickly realized that I was trying to join a tight knit group who were hesitant to accept outsiders. There weren’t many mentors nor was there one place to get the specialized information on the breed that I needed; specific information on owning Bull Terriers, about training them and breeding them, about living with them and understanding the unique joys and challenges of sharing my life with them.

Even with the addition of the internet and social media in our world we’re still faced with the need for more shared information. In order to truly preserve and improve our breed we need an accessible hub for our community. Hopefully the BT Compass is the beginning of this nucleus! Together we can embark on an exciting journey, sharing knowledge, experiences, and wisdom that will benefit both newcomers and seasoned Bull Terrier owners alike.

I hope you will join us in helping to create a vibrant and inclusive community where our passion for Bull Terriers can thrive.

Welcome to the BT Compass!